
The best way to get to know 韦德娱乐app下载地址 is to come see us in action! We love showing off our amazing students, 老师和班级, 我们充满活力的社区, 还有我们田园般的校园. We have several options you can choose from for your visit depending on what you're ready for. We can't wait to show you what an amazing place Solebury is to learn, to work, and to 成长!

  • 选项1
    Class Visit, Tour, and Interview (allow approximately 2 hours for this appointment)
  • 选项2
  • 选项3 
    In-person interview or virtual interview only (allow about 1 hour for this appointment)
  • 选项4 
    Tour and In-person Interview (allow about 1.预约时间为5小时)

All tours will be conducted by one of our tour guides so you will get to hear about the student experience at Solebury from the source—someone like you.

We are incredibly excited to get to know you and to help you get to know us over the coming months. If there's anything we can do to help with this or resources we can marshall that would be useful to you, 请问我们. 我们是来帮忙的.


  • 索伯里没有着装要求. Wear what you'd like to your visit, be yourself.
  • When you visit classes, don't feel any pressure to participate. This part of your visit is for you to experience the class dynamic and to see how our teachers and students interact. If you find something interesting and have a comment or a question, 然而, you should definitely feel free to share it.
  • We don’t believe in parent interviews. The parent meeting with a member of the admissions 工作人员 is intended to give us a chance to get to know each other, 倾听你对孩子的看法, learn about what's brought you to exploring independent schools in general and/or Solebury in particular, and answer any questions you have about 韦德娱乐app下载地址.
  • Please do not be stressed about the student interview. It's just a relaxed chat for us to learn about you and your interests. We enjoy meeting young people—these chats are a favorite part of our job!